Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Little Engine that Could... and DID!

Most children grow up and hear the story of the little engine that could... at least once in their childhood.  There have been many versions and adaptations of it, but the message through all of them has been the same.    I've often referred to this story in my professional life and personal as well.   We are all faced with obstacles along life's journey and I believe that we could all learn a lesson from the little engine.   Believing in oneself to accomplish a task is half the battle.   The chant... I think I can... I think I can... I think I can... propels an inner confidence that allows us to focus and firmly believe that our goal is within reach.  

Through-out our journey in life, there is no replacement for optimism and hard work.   Those two qualities alone are enough to help each of us find success, whether big or small.   I have often written about attitude, passion, relationships... all the things that I believe make up success, but one of the biggest is believing in oneself. 

During training sessions, I've told individuals that the rule of thumb... is sell yourself first and foremost.  What does that mean?   It means... believe in your ability to be who you are and allow others to see it.   Let others  see you from the inside out... believe in yourself.   Show your optimisim for your job or school, your product, your company..... and most of all believe in it.   Find your passion and apply it with hard work and dedication.  You can never judge a book by its cover... that can be said of a person.   Confidence goes a long way - believe from within and let it shine brightly! 

The little engine faced a very difficult challenge, one that was turned down by many larger ones.  They were either too busy or too big and bad to take on the job or perhaps, too scared to try.   The little engine did not back up from the task of pulling the long train over the mountain, instead... he kept a positive mind set and believed with all his heart that he could accomplish it.   He kept saying his mantra... I think I can...  I think I can... He put forth the effort and work along with his belief  that he could accomplish the task.  When the little engine reached the steepest part of the mountain, he focused, went slow and kept believing until he reached the top.  Going down the other side of the mountain, you can visualize the little engine smiling and saying I thought I could... I thought I could.   What a great motivation in life! 

Often, over the course of my career, i have faced many obstacles and difficult challenges.   There were times, when I thought they were impossible.   Times, when others, walked away from the challenge.  It was then, that I found my greatest motivation and my own inner passion.   I realized that by not even trying, I was already defeated.   By not believing in my ownself, I would never climb, much less, reach the top of the mountain.   The little engine taught me ... that in order for others to believe, I have to believe.    Not one day in 25 years has gone by on a professional level, where I didn't believe.    Trust me... I've had set-backs, relapses, moments where I questioned everything from A-Z... but, when it was all said and done... I reached deep inside and realized that if I wanted something badly enough and wanted to succeed, then, I had to believe and I had to give it all I had.    Yes, there have been many steep grades to the top of the mountain along my own journey, but, what in life is worth having if its not worth hard work to get it or reach it. 

As my journey continues, I know that I have a passion for what I do.  I believe that I am good at it and with that confidence,  paired with hard work, I know success will follow.   Set-backs and failures along the way... may try and detain me, but like the little engine, I will keep pulling and pulling and pulling until I reach the top and propel to the other side.  

Next time you're faced with a challenge or task... take a deep breath and repeat after me... I THINK I CAN... I THINK I CAN... I THINK I CAN.... and before you know it... YOU DID IT. 

If you haven't read the story, The Little Engine That Could... please go buy a copy.   It will offer a life lesson that we forget all too quickly.  

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