Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Watch, Listen and Learn

Sales and Marketing..... are like bread and butter, peanut butter and jelly, eggs and bacon, salt and pepper.  Sometimes you can allow them to stand alone... but together they make a pretty awesome team.    

Why, this topic?  Well... lately, I have been wondering how the millennial perspective on sales and marketing differs from the baby boomers.  I've been thinking a lot about what motivates the new generation and how they will find success with new methods, new processes and new ways of thinking.  I believe this whole "common core" introduction into our elementary, middle and high schools has me really upset which led to this insight of why do we need to change something if it's not broken.  

I've thought about history and all those successful people who never had common core in their schools... why, some didn't even go to school.   I am not an advocate for NOT getting an education.  I am just questioning WHY the need to change something that has educated millions of people.  Recently,  I have really become vested in monitoring the millenial engagement specifically as it applies to the hospitality industry.   I am intrigued.  They are very loyal to brands, but they are not afraid to try something new especially if the name attracts them... or the picture.  They are a posting, tweeting, instagramming, snapchatting and whatever else conversationalist.  Everything they do seems to go somewhere on social media.  These shared experiences have elevated the opportunites for how businesses apply sales and marketing techniques.  

I often think of it as "Clash of the Titans".  Old School vs. New School until recently when I was out dining at one of my favorite chain restaurants and had the opportunity to watch the x and y generations  and maybe some before that.... come together in a way that I had not really noticed before.  Mastros has mastered the social connectivity between all ages not only with food, beverages but specifically with their live music in the lounge area.  (They also have a separate dining area for those that want to be a little further away from the music).  This chain... has me mesmerized.   I have been to numerous locations in various cities and they all have the same energy and buzz, but in NYC, I saw how the boomers, the millenials and everybody else can come together and probably not even realizing it.  

I always request the lounge... just for the entertainment value.  By that, I do mean, the people-watching and the engagement of people.  Just eating, drinking and being social.   The location in NY is right off of 52nd and Avenue of the Americas and just full of energy.  The musical act was a trio who were very talented.  They played songs from days of yesteryear to Adele to Sia.   The amazing thing is that they were songs that connected to the guests.  People were finishing dinner and gravitating toward the band area... where both boomers and millenals shared the common thread.  Music.  

As I sat and watched the scene unfold... it made me realize that maybe we aren't so different from the Y generation.   Maybe... we just need to connect in the right way.   As I thought about this... I thought about the many times I had sat with my parents... and listened to "their" music and found that I really like it.  To this day... when my mom's favorite song comes on... "Charlie Brown" by the Coasters... I smile.  I've grown to love that song. 

Each day we learn from our experiences and we grow from them.   Every day our normal routine provides us the tools to learn and share.  So... every time I spend an evening at Mastros... listening to great music, imbibing on my favorite wine and savoring delicious food... I'll mark that down as I'm not only enjoying myself... but I'm learning.   Mastros has applied a unique sales and marketing strategy that aligns with every age demographic and its working.   

Btw, if you have not been to a Mastros yet... YOU have to go .. and please do yourself a favor and order the Butter Cake.   Absolutely the BEST dessert I have ever eaten in 50 years.  You will thank me!  
So... cheers and remember... our children and their children...they aren't so different...we just need to watch, listen and learn.  

    On my recent trip to Mastros... I enjoyed my favoirte all time wine - JARVIS.  

The infamous BUTTER cake.. they also bring a side of whipped cream to go on top.  

8 minutes and 46 seconds..... why it matters

8 minutes and 46 seconds.   Doesn't seem like a very long time, does it....or DOES it?   It’s already July and the last few weeks of May...