Monday, April 25, 2011

Leaders are PEOPLE too!

Lead and they will follow.... hmmmmm...

I don't know about you, but when my family or friends get together, there's tons of good conversation going on about a gamut of topics.  Its not uncommon to have a casual conversation turn into a debate or a really passionate exchange.  This past week-end was no exception which led to deep thought and eventually this posting.   Every now and then, I do love these hearty discussions because they challenge me to expand my own opinions or views.  Sometimes I walk away thinking how wrong I was about something or to the other end of the spectrum, how dead on in my thought process I was to the others.   Well, the latest exchange happened when we were discussing various leaders - both on a local, regional and national level.  The conversation was somewhat eye-opening because I had never really thought about how people might differ on what they see in a person as a leader.  Honestly, I was shocked at some of the individuals that others thought were good leaders.  Inside, I was thinking - no way!  Oh my!   As the conversation became more passionate, I began to think that maybe I had the wrong idea.  It led me to some agonizing questions about my own abilities and eventually to the questions of  what is a leader anyway?  What makes a good leader?

Now... after all these questions, my brain hurt.  I decided to look up the definition to see if the dictionary agreed with me and my thinking.

A leader is a person who has a vision, a drive and a commitment to achieve
 that vision, and the skills to make it happen. 

Well, that's pretty close to my own definition.   I believe that a leader is a person who has a vision and also a plan or strategy on how to achieve it.  I believe that a leader has to be able to problem-solve if the implementation process doesn't go exactly as planned and be able to make decisions to get back on track.  I believe that a leader has to be fair and open.    Most of all I think a leader has to have the drive and passion to stay focused and see the vision through to the end.  A leader has to believe so that all of the followers will as well.   In my personal opinion, these are traits that set a true leader apart from others.  Passion.  I've blogged about it before and I continue to stand behind it 100%.  Passion definitely makes a difference in how others see you and react to you.   Leaders have to be strong and stay the course regardless of the obstacles that happen along the way.  

One of the things that I have found that has helped me in my own journey as a leader is the fact that I love people.   I love the exchange of ideas, thoughts and just good ole' general conversation between people.  I genuinely appreciate the opportunity to get to know people,  build relationships and nurture them.  Leadership is also about motivation.  If you're a people person and have a genuine interest in others, you learn what their strengths and weaknesses are and what helps them to succeed.   You learn the right approach to help them get excited to want to excel.  You learn what challenges them to do their best.   I've met people who absolutely brought out the very best in me.   They challenged me to be better than  I was the day before.  They helped ignite the passion and the creative energy that leaders need to thrive and succeed.  For those individuals, I am extremely grateful.  

Lastly, I also feel that a leader has to be positive and effectively communicate with others.   Its not always easy, but leaders have to be able to adapt to any situation and have a positive attitude and provide positive feedback.   Its what allows them to help others in their tasks.   All of my blog posts revolve around my own experiences whether in my personal or professional life.   I've made tons of mistakes as a leader if you've read any of my posts prior to this one.   I've not always been a good leader as I look back and maybe its because at the time, I didn't really know how to be one.   I had a great mentor at the very beginning of my first career and I've written about him often.  I respect him and truly like him as a person.  I value his advice to this day. He would be the first to tell you how much I've grown since the beginning of my career and how much I've changed and adapted.  I'd like to think that all of my flaws as a leader in the past were not necessarily failures but opportunities that provided me with valuable learning tool that has helped me become the person I am today.

Nowadays,  I try to surround myself with positive people and trust me... that is not an easy task in itself.   I try very hard to look at the glass half full, not half empty.  I try my best not to react, but to think and listen.  I still falter and I still have to "regroup", but with every day that passes, I keep getting more and more consistent.

Some people are gifted and naturally born as great leaders.   Most of us, it takes effort to learn good skills and practice those on a daily basis. A leader dreams and finds a way to follow those dreams to reality.  My best success stories are ideas or thoughts that mattered and with all my heart, soul and passion came to fruition.    Whenever we slip or fall as leaders, we get back up and continue to move forward because afterall, isn't that what a good leader does - perseveres and moves forward.   

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