Monday, July 18, 2011

With Heart and Soul...

Every now and then, a project or opportunity comes our way and we feel very passionate about it.  We feel connected to it and give it everything and then some.  We give it ... HEART AND SOUL.    I'm not saying that we don't do every task  or job to the best of our ability.  I think that most of us definitely want success in every way, but I do believe that there are certain projects for whatever reasons, we are compelled to give it 100% plus another 50%.

I think I've written many times, the power of words is tremendous.  The power of two simple ones can make or break someone's attitude and work ethic - thank you.   Many times, when you are given a task... if you are shown no appreciation or gratitude for your efforts, well... you get a little skittish in the "over zealous" department of trying to put forth added effort.  If the people you're working with constantly criticize any efforts that you make... then, you're apt to back-off.  But... then there are those projects when your efforts are praised from start to finish and you give it all you've got.  You give it HEART AND SOUL... and at the end of it, not only are you thrilled, but whoever you are working with is thrilled as well.  

What is the difference in your work?   Is there a difference and is it noticeable?  Absolutely, there is a difference.  You know it and ultimately those you are working with or for, knows it. 

Someone once told me that if you can't believe in what you're doing and grab a hold of it... you'll never be successful at it.   I may not have understood that many years ago, but today, that would be one piece of advice that I would offer to anyone.  Another would be... that  I think you also have to enjoy it.   There is nothing more miserable than doing a job or task that you dread.   (for me... it's like housework...and that is something I definitely dread!)

I also believe that staying positive, especially in an economy and society, when things aren't always looking rosy, we would all be compelled to find our passion and go about all our tasks with heart and soul.   It's not always that easy.. and most of us are just very grateful to even have jobs at the moment, but sometimes... in life, we all have to take a look at the quality and ask ourselves the hard questions - are we truly happy?  

Every day, I TRY to wake up with that attitude and try to implement it in whatever I am doing.  Some days, I accomplish that and then there are those days, when even after all my futile attempts, I know that I just need to get through it as best I can. Trust me, like you, I have been through some very stressful and trying times over the course of my career, and most recently, life has a way of throwing curve balls when you least expect it.   There are days when I really want to pull those covers over my head... and HIDE!  

Through my own stress and difficulties, I have realized that we can't always be everything to everybody, just like we can't always have our "signature passion" on every single project that we do, but for those that we are able to connect to and really feel part of... we should take those and put them up like badges.   They may be few and far between, but there is no greater joy than doing a job you enjoy and love to do... and being successful at it. 

I've often wondered if the founder of facebook, twitter, or even foursquare... if they pursued their projects with heart and soul... and the outcome was multiplied in thousands?  What about Bill Gates?   Warren Buffet?   Steve Jobs?   Did they put their heart and soul into their respective projects to gain their successes?

I guess my own theory is that it only takes one project with all your heart and soul to take hold and steer our lives down a path that we never dreamed.

It takes one idea... one heart... and one soul.  (Now, that's something to ponder over, isn't it? )

1 comment:

8 minutes and 46 seconds..... why it matters

8 minutes and 46 seconds.   Doesn't seem like a very long time, does it....or DOES it?   It’s already July and the last few weeks of May...