Monday, February 14, 2011

the day of LOVE... now what?

Happy Valentine's Day! The day of love has arrived... now what?   There are many who probably think Valentines Day was created by Hallmark...or maybe some creative florist... after all, it is the day of a thousand roses, candies, hallmark cards,  trinkets and other tokens of affection.   What a great trivia question - how many dozens of roses are given on this very day?   Has Valentine's Day become that commercialized? my personal opinion....after visiting the grocery store yesterday....   actually, yes.   I wasn't sure I was even in the supermarket... it looked like a card shop/florist/candy store all wrapped into one.   It was... madness at it's best. 

Those of you who know me really well... know that I love literature and history... and the story of how Valentine's Day came to be... is really quite romantic...although there are many versions of it...  So, during a time when the holiday has become so ... material.... and commercial... reflecting back on the actual history and meaning makes you realize why February 14th is so special and why its even celebrated in the first place.  

 Who was St. Valentine you might ask?   He was a Christian cleric of the Roman Empire... way back when.   During this time Emperor Claudius II had mandated that Roman soldiers were not allowed to marry because women ... and eventually children were too much of a distraction.  In those days, the soldiers had to fight off their attackers and needed to be as strong as possible.   Now... the story goes... that the men in Emperor Claudius II service disagreed with him. and lucky for them.. there were clergy who felt the same way and were sympathetic... Valentine being one of them.  They would marry the soldiers and their women in secret.

Valentine was discovered, arrested and sentenced to death, but while he was imprisoned, one story told is that he healed  and fell in love with one of the jailers daughters.  Legend has it that before his execution, the daughter received a card from him bearing an inscription and his love ---  "From your Valentine".   Who knows if this is actually how it came down, but it was such a romantic story that surrounded his death, that those who knew of it began to spread the tale and Bishop Valentine became Saint Valentine and it was during this time that many Romans began the practice of sending a card to their special someone.   After his death, he became what is known as a patron saint.   Many considered Valentine the spiritual overseer of an annual festival that came to be where young Romans would present cards of affection for those that they wished to see.  This festival was held on February 14th.   So, through the ages... February has become known as the month of love with the original meaning being a heartfelt message of love.  

The history reminds us that its not about the amount of money spent... its showing love from within. Do you really need the flowers?  The candy?  The trinkets?  I don't know.  I'd like to think that romance comes from the heart... from actions and effort.    Sometimes... its really the simple gestures that mean the most. 

Don't get me wrong... I ABSOLUTELY love flowers.. and appreciate  them anytime I've ever been given them.   What makes me appreciate them even more-so.. is when a simple, handwritten heartfelt card or note is sent with them.  WOW. ...knowing that someone actually took time to go in and personally write the words they are feeling.  Now... that isn't always possible... and I don't want to take away from the fact that it does take effort to even plan to send flowers... or pick up a gift of some kind... but it should be something that you do think about - maybe its sending favorite flowers or adding something in your note that makes it very personl even if you couldn't write it yourself.  

I am also one of those people, who definitely thinks that you should celebrate and make Valentine's Day special, whether its dinner out or at home.  Love is in the air... so take advantage of it...... but I think you should also make efforts through-out the year.   Love is not something that is like an on/off switch.    Its on... all the time... in the good times, the bad and even the rock bottom.   If its not on... then, I guess there's another question to be answered.  

Through the years, our valentines have expanded to more than just the person you express your love for... nowadays, your valentine list may include spouses, signficant others, boyfriends, friends, children, grandchildren... special neighbors... your valentine can be someone that you simply adore.   At the end of the day... we all like to feel loved, wanted and cherished.And sometimes... you may not have a significant other to share your deep affections of love.  But... there's always someone who you can share the day with and thats what makes it so great.  

This year, my very special valentine is a 2 year old... who... is the love of my life. (you know it... talking about THE GRAND).  What can I say... I absolutely ADORE him.   He never disappoints me.   He loves me unconditionally and thinks I am the funniest person ever.  (well, me and whoever else he's with at any given moment...) but hey...He gets me... and never questions why I do or don't do something... (well, not yet anyway...).   I asked him what he wanted me to get him for Valentine's Day... and he looked at me with big sparkling blue eyes.... and said... a big ole' heart.   Well, what a smart two year old he is because he captured my heart the day he was born... probably even before he arrived... but the moment my daughter handed him over the very first time to hold... he had me... at hello!   So... I am off on a mission to find the best big ole' heart that I can find.. it has to be special... with meaning. Why?  It's a labor of love... something from the heart.   It's the effort... and even at 2, I want him to know... he was worth the effort. 

So, it is the day of love... now what?   As you plan your special day showing those you love ... take time and put forth a little extra effort and at the end of the day... February 14th is about telling someone how you really feel about them... so regardless of what gifts you buy, its the power of the words that truly mean something. 

Wishing all you a day filled with love, happiness and hearts! 

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