Thursday, February 24, 2011

LAUGHTER is the best medicine.

First, let me say thank you to everyone who has been following the blog and recommending it.  I have had over 1000 page views... in a very, very short time, so, to say that I am thrilled is an understatement.  Wow!  Who would have ever thought... that blogging could be such fun.  As I sit down to write... I really don't plan the topics each time.  (I know... that all the 'BLOG Experts' say that you are supposed to focus on your niche... but for me... it's about life.   Everyday life.  I just sit down and whatever is on my mind... is usually what I end up writing about.  I find it extremely therapeutic. 

Speaking of therapeutic, what are some things that you find relaxing?   What de-stresses you?   Last week, I was in a conversation with several of my good friends and we were discussing this very topic and we ended up laughing hysterically at the differences in all of us.   Isn't that the amazing thing... that you can have friends from all walks of life and be completely different in every way, but connect and re-connect over the strangest conversations.  

As I was sitting in the middle of this conversation listening, I found myself giggling uncontrollably at some of the rituals of my friends.  I mean, honestly, some of them take it to the max to unwind... relax... de-stress.   I'm not going to list all of the suggestions but here is a sampling of  their recommendations.

1.  Yoga
2.  Zen
3.  Standing on your head to "stretch your mind, body and soul".
4.  Drinking enough wine or other libations to make you forget.
5.  Reading a book  --- something to sink your teeth into.  Escape from reality.
6.  Listening to music on the ipod.
7.  Massage
8.  (I don't think I can put suggestion #8 in print!!!!)
9.  Read a self help book! 

I thought about each person's answer and tried to picture myself in each of these scenarios and that's what had me rolling in the dirt with laughter.   Are you getting the visual that I had?  If you are... you can thank me for contributing to your laughter today!    I mean, seriously, me and yoga?  ummm.. NOT.   me and Zen... what is that anyway? (in case you didn't know... its a form of meditation where you get in "a zone")   me..standing on my head... we are not even going to go there!    me and wine... well, that one... I actually got and agreed with... completely!  As a matter of fact, I was trying out this one during this whole conversation.   me... reading a book.... love that one... and that really does unwind me at times.    me ... listening to music on the ipod... yep... agree there.  me and a massage.. well, if there are hot stones involved... I am there!!!     me and #8.... HOLY MACKEREL!!!!  I do not blush, but that one... well, let's just say, I had to ask exactly what #8 meant!   me and a self help book... hmmmmmmm.....

That's when it hit me... I didn't need a self help book to unwind me.  All I needed was to step back from the day in and out routine and laugh.  I mean... REALLY laugh.  Bellyache laughs!   The phrase... laughter is the best medicine immediately took on a new meaning.   Where did that phrase come from anyway?   Do you know?   Was it really Reader's Digest?   Now, you have something to "google" while you're pretending to work.  

In humor, is it possible that we may find a whole new way of looking at our lives.  In laughter, could we find solutions to life's problems that we didn't see before because we were too tense or just too serious?   Sometimes we all take life way too seriously.  I am the first to admit... that this is me.  I am a stress-er, a thinker... an over-analyzer... and I know that I drive my family and friends crazy at times.    As we grow up and into adulthood and responsibility, we have been taught to run through our lives with such a speed that we have no time to laugh.  No time to stop and smell the roses, so to speak.  Milton Berle said it best.. "Laughter is an instant vacation!" 

I remember reading somewhere that children laugh over 300 times in any given day yet as adults... the number decreases to a mere 15 times a day and... that women laugh even more than men.    What happens to us when we grow up?  Are the days of Peter Pan and Neverland... gone forever?

I thought about all the times I was with a group of friends and laughed so much til my stomach hurt... or until I cried.  I realized it was in those moments... that I was completely unstressed and just not worried about anything other than that particular moment.   Its moments like those that are priceless memories that we can all relive and enjoy over and over through the years.

 We re-tell stories that... every time we tell them... we end up laughing hysterically, no matter how many times we've heard them.     

So, starting today, I am going to try and up my 15 laughs... to at least 30!   I'm going to try and not take everything so seriously.... to lighten up more.    Laughter... warms the heart and its good for the soul.   After all, isn't a laugh a smile that simply bursts! 


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