Thursday, February 3, 2011

Heroes Among Us

Hero.  What is a hero?  If you asked 10 people on the street... they would all have a different answer.   I have a special person in my life that I nick-named this very moniker many years ago.   I've thought about it often over the course of the time I've known them... and even today... the moniker fits.   Its an endearment for me that means something to someone who has made a profound impact on my life... in many ways.   Have you ever counted how many songs are about a hero?  When hearing those playing, do you ever think of someone in your life who you think of as your "personal" hero?    What about movies?  Don't they all have a hero somewhere?    You know the person who always comes in and saves the day or the good who always overcomes evil?  I like it when the hero wins... I'm always pulling for that person.  

As life changes and evolves, at some point, we have all had one person or maybe its several that we looked to in one way or another... as our hero (es).  We are grateful to have met this person and thankful that they have touched our lives.  Sometimes our heroes come and go.    Sometimes, they are in our lives for a long time.   Sometimes our hero is someone we may have never met... but we are inspired by their story of  dedication, courage and passion that has somehow given us hope.   

Who are they?    Someone on the street that we met only for a brief period of time.   Someone who is a family member that we've known all our lives.  Maybe someone who we've been friends or best friends and  we can't imagine... how we would have made it this far without them.  Maybe its a spouse, a significant other or a crush.  Maybe its a colleague or co-worker.  Or... maybe its those everyday heroes who get up day in and day out...  who give of themselves in their chosen professions to serve, protect, defend, care for others  (policemen, firemen, teachers, doctors, nurses... the list is many).

Regardless of who they are... they make a profound contribution to our lives and touch us in a way that inspires us.   They challenge us in ways that we aren't even aware and they leave lasting imprints.  All in all... a hero makes you want to be a better person, or at least, mine does.   

Often, everyday heroes don't get the recognition they should, in my humble opinion.  They are people just like you and me, who simply step up and do what's right.  They step up in tough times.  They step up in good times.   They inspire, motivate, challenge and bring out the best in all of us.   Individuals who bestow random acts of kindness, help their neighbors, volunteer for charities, those... who need nothing in return... because they are doing from the heart.    Sometimes a hero is someone who saves a life, makes an extraordinary gesture.. and at other times, its someone who helped you through a divorce, or maybe a birth of a child.  Sometimes its simply the person you trust most in the world to share your dreams, failures, hopes, and everything in between.       

Since the 9/11 tragedy,  I think we have become more aware of those extraordinary individuals who step up.   We've been more observant of the firemen, the policemen, the military, the medical teams... those who maybe before we just took for granted in a small way. (Afterall, isn't that just their jobs?)      Since 9/11, we've learned the power of words... simple ones like "thank you"... which in many instances means more than anything else we could ever hope to say.  Since 9/11,  we have become more patient and understanding of procedures and tasks.  We've become quite a bit more humble and grateful for the freedoms that are ours.   Freedoms that don't come without a price - our men and women of the military stand up for us every day so that we as a nation may be blessed with freedom.   Many of these military members and their families sacrifice... and sometimes loved ones don't ever make it home.   Yet... they are proud even in their loss.   Do you feel your heart strings tug a bit, when you're someplace...( maybe an airport, hospital, or wherever) and someone in the military dressed in uniform,  walks by and someone stops them... and simply says... "thank you".  "thank you for your service and what you're doing for us."  Personally, I tear up... every time.   

Every day... look around and you'll be amazed and surprised at how many heroes you may meet.   Just ordinary people living their lives... going about their day...but doing extraordinary things.

I'm thankful for all of the everyday heroes, the military and even my own.   They've all touched my life in one way or another.  Next time you're out and about... say thank you to our everyday heroes... and even your own..   It only takes a few seconds but the impact will be lasting.

To my own hero, you've made a significant difference in my life and I will be forever grateful.  Knowing you has made me a better person.  You've helped me overcome fears, listened to tales of woe, been there for the successes and the failures.   Your strength has kept me upright more times than I can count.   In good, bad and in between... you've always brought out the cape when I needed it.  

Thank you.

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